Google Certification
G-Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education) has a certification program that teaches and tests various technology-based skills surrounding their various apps (Gmail, calendar, drive, sites, etc.). I want to share a little bit about this program (mainly the Level 1 program), and why I think any teacher would benefit by becoming a G-suite Certified Educator.
First, you don't have to be a 'techie' to become certified. After you register, you will gain access to multiple training modules. You can go through them as fast or as slow as you wish. The modules cover more than just pure technical skill but help you gain an understanding of best practice of incorporating technology into your classroom. The modules in Level 1 include increasing efficiency and saving time, facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity, and using technology to facilitate professional growth and leadership.
You can choose which things to spend more time on and which you want to skip through. At the end of each unit, there is a short quiz (that you can take as many times as you need). Once you have completed all of the modules, you have to create a 2-part exam. Part 1 is a traditional multiple choice style test and Part 2 is a performance exam. In Part 2, you are given a new google account and asked to do various tasks like sending an email with an attachment, invite someone to a calendar event, create folders in your drive, etc. I learned a lot of little tips and tricks that I use everyday and I appreciate the time I have gained back in my workday by using some of these skills.
The level 2 program is similar to the level 1 program with more advanced trainings on data, online collaboration, and some other google tools. While this could be valuable to any educator, I don't think it would provide as much practical, useful tools as the level 1 course. I just completed the trainer course and do not think it would be of value to the general teacher. The innovator course is for those who can write code in google script, something I don't think I will pursue.
One option for those interested in gaining the certification would be to do it as a group. I would be glad to head trainings and help you prepare for the exam. You can build this into your PDP or PPG, or could just do it over a rainy spring break, a bus ride to New York, or something to do to grow over the summer!
To get started in the process, go to
Hope everyone has a wonderful spring break and a Happy Easter!
Hope everyone has a wonderful spring break and a Happy Easter!
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